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Apple Butter - 1 Beckie - 0

The weekend of rifle deer season opener I plan on going to see my family. I don’t like to run dogs at all that first week because well deer hunters that aren’t getting anything get crabby and I don’t want to be part of that. I planned to go see my family instead, who live about 10 hours away from the cabin.

Complication this time was my truck was in the shop AGAIN! Well in comes 2 very generous friends to offer the use of their truck for me to drive around! Perfect! So I get going as planned which at this point in my life is very weird to actually get to do what I say I’m going to.

I was driving up to a friend of mine’s and the weather turned into early Minnesota winter weather…Blowing snow, just perfect temperature that the roads were melting and then starting to freeze that snow – perfect conditions to form black ice. I am a very confident driver especially in the winter but I am also cautious, especially when driving someone else’s vehicle. Heading north the roads were starting to get a bit slippery and I was going to pull over and put the truck in 4 wheel drive because I didn’t know if I could do it on the fly like I can with mine. As I was slowing down a gust of wind blew the back end and I started fish tailing pretty good. I knew there was cars behind me so I was just going to head for the ditch in the median because it was decent and I could drive out once I put it in 4 wheel drive. As I was moving towards the ditch – WHAM! A truck him me on the driver side door and sent the truck spinning out of control into the ditch! I didn’t know what the heck was going on at the time and I just held on. The truck ended up rolling once and landing on the driver side door with me suspended in the seat belt.

People stopped, 911 was called and I sat on the driver’s side window/door not really injured except for a bump on the right side of my head that was bleeding pretty good. I was coherent and didn’t feel injured except for the bump on my head and the blood…I don’t do well with people blood, especially my own so I was a little woozy because of that. The first responders and ambulance came and I was taken to the local hospital to get checked out.

In the ambulance I was trying to figure out how the heck I got this bump on the right side of my head! I hit the window and the oh shit handled with the left side of my head but how the heck did I get this gash and bump on the right? APPLE BUTTER!!!

I always throw things on the passenger side seat when I’m traveling especially if I am in a hurry. Well I had stopped at a friend’s earlier and she gave me a couple jars of homemade apple butter!! That is the only thing I could think of that was hard and was in the front seat that would have clobbered me in the head as the vehicle was rolling over! I got a good chuckle from that and the EMT checked me again for a concussion as I was laughing over a joke she didn’t hear!

I am fine, the bump on my head is healing I didn’t even need to have stitches! Also the apple butter survived my hard head and I WILL be eating that later!

The moral of the story is 1) Wear your seatbelt and 2) Put the apple butter in the back!!

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