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Its all about the Dream...

Everyone is living their lives to their fullest potential. Well that's what I hope is happening. In my perfect world everyone gets along, everyone does their best and there is peace among everyone, but we all know that's not the case.

I wonder a lot of I am living to my full potential. Do many people think about this? Or do they just think about their day to day activity and what it takes to maintain their lifestyle? I think about what I can do to make myself happy. I've been struggling for years with this (if you've followed me you know that I have!). What really makes me happy?

Society tells us that money and status makes us powerful and that defines success. I struggle with this so much. Making money, yet I need to have a job that I enjoy or I can't do it for long! I'm never going to be a millionaire , mostly because I can't fathom that amount of money. I would like to do things I enjoy. I love traveling, hiking, kayaking, writing, knitting and I love animals, sled dogs (DUH!) in particular really have my attention! How do I do this and make money??? GUIDING!! Alaska is a tourism driven state. Soooo I have accepted that I am a mushing guide. I love this. You pay me to show you my dogs and give you a tour for something that I love to do. Also my back ground and education as a veterinary technician only adds to the care and health of the team.

I have been doing winter tours with my dogs this year. I've really been enjoying it! A lot. Meeting people on a smaller scale for a bit longer than what we do in the summer time.

I've taken the winter off for training for racing because, well because racing is a lot of work! KUDOS to all mushers that do the long races every year or are constantly doing shorter races!! Have solid support is very important for this sport. Its difficult to do alone or with people who mean well but really don't understand what they are helping with. When you are tired the last thing you need to try and describe how to do something! At least for me, speaking words is not my strong suite,

I just need a break. For the first part of the fall/winter I had help and does that make a LOT of difference being able to have time to breath basically, trying to do the adult things along with training and taking care of the dogs. I slept. Good lord did I sleep. I also rested. Resting and sleeping can be two different things. A different perspective on life is what I needed. This time allowed me to focus on me a big instead of just trying to make the dogs happy.

I have regrouped, rethought my life at the moment, and have decided that heck yep I love this life. I truly believe it this time. I love working with the dogs, I love raising the dogs, I love training the dogs. I love being on the trail with them and experiencing things I would have never done if I was still back in the rat race.

So back to living the dream....Looking at property, trying to find a solid spot for me and the dogs is the next step and my next priority. We need a home. We've met some gracious and wonderful people, but its time that I have one spot for all of our crap! Quads and gear and sleds and more gear and dogs.... yep its time :) Stay tuned as the adventure continues....

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