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Training Update (Whoops!)

So I forgot to post this about 2 weeks prior to Beargrease!! WHOOPS!! If this the only thing I've forgotten in the last month I'll be happy!! Enjoy!

Count down to Beargrease…I’m not sure if the dogs are ready… I’m not sure if I’m ready…but we are gonna do this!!

Training has been mediocre at best…but I’m doing the best I can with the way that Mother Nature is handling this whole El Nino thing…It’s something that mushers have been dealing with for years – good snow bad snow hot weather cold weather….You just do the best you can! That’s all you can do! I’m just frustrated because last year was amazing. Snow and the sled time and the cold temperatures it was pretty amazing for my first year to train dogs by myself. This year is the polar opposite!! It’s a test I think and I’m not really good at taking tests so this is more of an emotional test for me this year. Some days are good and some not so good but it is what it is and way we go!

I have a very conservative run/rest schedule for the race. I will still complete it under the cutoff times for the race and will hopefully be competitive – but my main goal is to FINISH. I don’t care if I’m last I will do what is best for my dogs before I worry about a check. Heck they give you a trophy for the last finisher! I’m OK with that! Plans usually go to hell as soon as the hook is pulled at the starting line any way so what the hell!

I will be racing a very young team which could include a few of my yearlings (they will be 2 years old in July 2016). My job is to get them as far as they will go without burning them out. I’m up for the task. I would love to be highly competitive but it’s just not gonna happen. I am gonna have to use my older dogs to pull these young dogs through this race. What’s another challenge?? Psha it ain’t nothing….I feel like I’m begging, borrowing and stealing to make this season work for some reason!! Yes I’ve begged (no it hasn’t worked), I feel like I’m borrowing by asking for Sponsorships (but a few have been offered without my asking!) and I won’t resort to stealing because well I can’t lie very well! SO HEAD ON I’m taking this season and moving forward with every ounce of German stubbornness I have in me…

I appreciate everyone that has helped me out whether its just a Go Get’um text to sponsoring a dog in my team! You have no idea what it means to have people believe in me and what I am trying to do! I’m sorry this post isn’t more entertaining but the stress level is rising and well I don’t drink in the training season (believe me chores and running dogs hung over is NOT fun!!) so that will have to wait until I get back to the finish line at Billy’s on February 3!!

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