And so it begins...
I can't believe how long its been since I've actually written something! So sorry!! The summers are amazingly busy and when I do have spare minutes I am so tired I usually fall asleep or if I have a minute go hiking! This last season I added a kayak to my life and that gave me a few days of entertainment as well! A little different because I was all alone (can't really bring Earl out on the kayak... he sinks like a rock and well the ocean is deep!).
Many of you have been following my adventures and see that I have made the big move to Alaska. This is something I have wanted to do since I was a little girl - for whatever reason. I honestly don't know why but I have always wanted to live up here!! An opportunity presented itself (literally one day after I had a come to Jesus moment with myself about moving back to the lower 48!! I am not kidding...) and I took it immediately. I am starting to become a firm believer that you need to listen to things when they happen and take advantage of opportunities that are literally handed to you.
So the dogs and I are living in Willow, Alaska - which is a hot spot for mushers! I am in the same proximity as a lot of Iditarod mushers. Its pretty crazy and a way different culture up here. It is just right! I feel right at home and things I feel like are falling into place as they should be! Maybe for once the universe is saying "Yup! You finally got it right Hacker!" Good lord I hope so anyway... I'm one for adventure but lately its been pretty ridiculous... I'm ready for boring...ordinary...and beautiful! I am one lucky lady... Not only in the opportunities that I've been presented but with all of the beautiful people that I have in my life! There are so many of you that I dearly love because you just seem to know when I need an encouraging word or a smile or a text or something!!
I will be writing the blog of the Epic Road Trip to the lower 48 and back in 16 days! But for now - I Just wanted to let you know that I'm still not on the grid BUT I actually have decent cell service and not fighting with 10,000 tourists for those little magic bars of communication!!